Special Properties 

While template properties exist generally for you to define and use as in your own markdown sources, Pamflet also checks for a special, optional property that links to a project’s GitHub repository, etc.

Fork Me on GitHub 

If you define a github property with the repo owner and name, Pamflet constructs a link to the repository. For example:


This is the property that produces the link to GitHub from Pamflet’s own documentation. Note that there is only one slash.

I Want Out 

If you define an out property with a file name, Pamflet uses it to generate the file for the page. It is intended to be used in the properties front matter of the page:

out: index.html

Collapsible table of contents 

toc property may be used to control how the table of contents is displayed. The allowed values are left, bottom, hide, and collapse.


Defining disqus property with a disqus short name will add a comment section at the end of all your pages.



Defining twitter property with any value will pop up a twitter button when some text is selected on any page. The button will compose a tweet including the selected text, the property, and the URL. The value show would display the button, but will not be included in the tweet.


Google Analytics 

Defining google-analytics with a Google Analytics web property ID will insert tracking Javascript in the head of all your pages. For example:


Page path 

The property page.localPath is automatically set to the local path to the page’s markdown source, which allows, for instance, the construction of a direct-to-GitHub page edit URL in the header or footer, e.g:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="span-16 prepend-1 append-1">
        <div class="span-16 nav">
          <p style="padding-top: 0.5em">
            <a href="https://github.com/foundweekends/pamflet/edit/master/docs/$page.localPath$">
            [Edit on GitHub]</a>

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how this works.

Fork me on GitHub